The Weston A. Price Way

Monday, October 12, 2009

Falling in Love With Fall...Again

When Autumn at last arrives, it does so with presence. It stands center stage and we, the audience, intent on detecting its next move, watch as if hypnotized. We perk our ears like cats hearing scratches in the night. We collectively inhale the uncloneable fragrance of fallen leaves, dirt, apples and lack of humidity. Blended artfully together by the Creator, we call this, "crisp"-a woefully weak description of the decadent air of this intoxicating season.

Autumn comes just in time. Just as our culture screams both inwardly and outwardly for the change we have become accustomed to experiencing.'s more than that. We have come to need it. If not physically, then certainly, psychologically. And psychologically enough to make us believe we need it physically.

And within the change, we are changed. We are renewed. Breathing in the mysterious vapors of the fall winds, we breathe out new energies. Creative energies that spawn fresh ideas, talents and discoveries. Energies that rekindle passions and desires and for me, this means the rumblings of renewed interest in writing, cooking, painting, cleaning and reorganizing my surroundings.

I want to share some of these passions with you in the way our family experiences them...and since the smells of Autumn are part of its essence, I believe I will begin with a classic Autumn dish...In the next post, we will be making Fried Apples. Later, as those creative juices continue to flow, I hope to share Waldorf Chicken Salad, Stuffed Shells, and maybe with time, a few more flavorful items we love to eat around our homestead.

Loving seasonal changes and celebrations as we do, there is no guarantee of what the next post will bring. We may have a food one day, something else another, and back to food again later. There are plans, but vague ones, uncemented and easily changed. Because no one ever really knows from where the winds blow or to where they are going.

So, visit often - you wouldn't want to miss the things of contemplation this season promises to bring!

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