The Weston A. Price Way

Monday, May 9, 2011

Dr. Mark Haynes, DC: The 7 Secrets to Health and Better Healing

In our continuing journey towards better health, my husband and I were happy to accept an invite to a presentation given by Dr. Mark Haynes, DC, (doctor of chiropractic). We were fortunate that the event took place at Five Points Community Farm Market in Norfolk, VA because we were fed wonderful, healthy and whole, pesticide-, antibiotic- and hormone-free foods by the fabulous cooking staff at the cafe there. (And you should really click on that link because you're going to see some surprises on the price list!)

But beyond the food, we found and heard a caring chiropractor who treats patients like family. Dr. Haynes gets choked up relating the story of a woman left without hope by modern medicine, who quickly regained full health using the 'alternative' medicine of chiropractic with a congruent change in lifestyle practices. While admittedly beyond the norm in regard to recovery time, she is not beyond the norm in regard to the effective works of a caring chiropractic.

We spoke with Dr. Haynes after the presentation and asked if I might use some of his information in this post. He could have said, "No, I would really prefer that people come to my presentations." But he didn't. He could have told me I could only use this or that part or phrase, but he didn't do that either. Instead, Dr. Haynes told me I could share his information in any way I deemed fit...and sent me the entire slide presentation!

I am so excited to share his information...(those of you who've been around awhile know how excited I get about sharing good news)...and I feel everything he shared was important. So, I'm not only making it easy on myself today, I'm passing along a gift. Although without his presentation of the points, this may seem just a tad 'dry', I hope you will believe me when I tell you the passion with which it was delivered was far from that.

Don't make the mistake of thinking all chiropractors have this same passion, because the unfortunate truth is that there are those who don't. Not all daycare workers want to care for children. Not all plumbers want to care for plumbing. Not all doctors want to doctor. But when we need a service and find those who have a passion for offering that service, we feel we've hit a gold mine. When you decide chiropractic is for you, be choosy, do your homework and look before you leap. Interviewing the doctor is just as important as them interviewing you.

Read, learn, and be inspired to make changes that count. We are. Although we have made many changes in our eating habits over the past year, and in other areas as well, including re-adjusting some of our thinking, we haven't done so well in the exercise area. We have renewed an old commitment, and started walking so the nutrition we are working hard to maintain can be processed into optimum energy for our bodies. Now, if we can just maintain that commitment!

We are also getting our spines checked this week.

~Many Blessings,

When you click the link below, it will take you to the slide presentation. You will see arrows at the bottom left. Click on the right-hand arrow to take yourself through the slides at your own pace.

The 7 Secrets to Health and Better Healing 

And one last word of free advice passed on to us via Dr. Haynes: Cullipher Farm in Pungo is family owned and the ONLY organic U-Pick strawberry farm in Virginia. Strawberries, by the way, are 3rd on the 'dirty dozen' list, a list that tells the 12 fruits/veggies that need to be purchased organically due to consistently testing for the highest amounts of pesticides.

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