The Weston A. Price Way

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ugh! How Gross Is THAT??

You know how they say, "If you don't have your health, you don't have anything?" They are right. Well, nearly right because from where I stand, you always have Jesus and that counts for far more than I can get into here.

But, really. For quality of life, we need our health. And I believe He wants us to have it.  After all, He created everything that we need to have it.

Drinking raw milk is part of the solution. It is. Read on.

Before you're done with me, you are going to want one book in particular because it will detail, and I do mean detail everything I talk about here. It is Nourishing Traditions. If you are really and truly interested in knowing the truth about what you consume, you'll want that book. It's an amazing cookbook/encyclopedia that I have been reading for over a year. I started to practice what's in it, along with my husband, over nine months ago, and I'm just a babe in the woods beginning to go from a crawl to a walk.

Why did we start? Because we began losing our health. 'Stealth Symptoms' were leaving us and our doctors stymied. At the time, we hadn't consulted an N.D, but eventually, we did, and even she has had a difficult time with some of the symptoms. But between her help and a changed diet, things are improving. No, it's not the kind of rapid, side-effect-filled improvement one gets with a pill that's been tested for 4-6 months. It's the kind of 'so-gradual-you-hardly-notice' kind of healing that comes from baby-step changes and thousands of years of herbal and food remedy research.

Before I get much too far ahead of myself, I will redirect.

Why raw milk?

Well, the truth is, if it's not raw, it's not worth consuming.

This is about pasteurization. We've been taught that pasteurization is necessary to protect us from diseases caused from contaminated milk. There was a time, before the milking machine and stainless steel tanks, proper packaging and disbursement, when this was so. According to Nourishing Traditions, backed by a plethora of research, in recent decades...not just years, but decades...every case of salmonella milk contamination has come from pasteurized milk, including an outbreak in Illinois affecting over 14,000 people and leaving at least one dead. That strain was resistant to both penicillin and tetracycline. That was 26 years ago. Can we imagine, then, how much stronger such a strain may have become in the course of over a quarter century? ...For sanity's sake, maybe we shouldn't.

Conversely, raw milk actually protects against disease by means of its naturally occurring lactic-acid bacteria, which are removed in pasteurization, stripping the milk of its God-given protective properties. Once pasteurized, if 'bad' bacteria reaches the milk, it now has no guardian. The lack of this guardian is the exact reason why pasteurized milk putrefies and can cause sickness, while raw milk merely sours and actually turns into other beneficial foods.

The pasteurization process requires heating the milk which renders its proteins virtually useless. Vitamins are so badly degenerated that synthetic vitamins D2 or D3 are added at the end of the process. Toxicity, heart disease and malabsorption are three detriments attributed to these vitamins in synthetic form. And get this...pasteurization can make milk so unrecognizable, so unpleasant, that chemicals may have to be added as well as synthetic vitamins, in order to make it pleasant to taste and smell.

How gross is that? I mean, so what is the stuff we end up drinking? Surely, it is not real milk, but rather, less than a skeleton of itself...and what it has become, as innocent looking as it may be, is hurting our health.

Is this not enough? Must I go on? I see that I must...

One- and two-percent milks are our nation's most popular types of milk. These are 'enhanced' by powdered skim milk. The cholesterol, (not a bad thing on it's own, but that's another blog), in powdered milk is altered by the heating process used to dehydrate it, and this process is what causes it to become harmful to arteries. The process also creates carcinogens and neurotoxic acid.

In modern societies, milk consumption has been linked to diabetes. Pasteurized milk causes the pancrease to over-expend itself in the effort to make digestive enzymes. Why? Because remember, pasteurization kills the naturally present, beneficial enzymes found in raw milk. In fact, the test used for detection of 'proper pasteurization' is the test of enzymes. The absence of enzymes equals pasturization 'success'.

But enzymes are crucial to digestion. They are the little soldiers that break down all the nutrients into a working synergy within the digestive system and ultimately, the body-at-large. Without enzymes, the body cannot correctly assimilate nutrients such as calcium...evidence that pasteurized milk consumption can actually be the cause, not the cure, of diseases like osteoporosis.

Furthermore, the body's digestive system is highly stressed in its attempt to digest without the proper tools of digestion, namely, our friendly warriors, the enzymes. Results range from allergies and chronic fatigue to malabsorption of existing nutrients, which alone can, (and does), cause a Pandora's Box of maladies.

Once our eyes were opened to these truths, we felt we had three options:

1- Eliminate milk from our diet. (Didn't want to do that if we could help it.)
2- Ignore the facts and continue as before. (Impossible.)
3- Find a way to drink raw milk. (Possible!)

But are there actual benefits in drinking raw milk? How can we know it's safe? What about milk substitutes like soy, almond, or rice milk?

Looks like we have some good points to cover in the next post. Until then, why not check out some of the great links at the bottom of this page? Or JOIN IN ON THE GREEN PASTURES GIVEAWAY AT THE HEALTHY HOME ECONOMIST:

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